Tax Services

Tax levies on taxpayers heavily rely on the interpretation of individual cases, tendering proof, and the application of appropriate accounting practices. From the preparation of tax returns; evaluation of possible consequences on particular business action to the handling of disputes and investigations, we aim to reconcile client’s needs while meeting the tax requirements and technical issues involved.

Preparation & Compliance

We offer tax preparation and compliance services for individuals and enterprises including employers, expatriates, business entities, and non-profit organizations, and, if required, act as client's tax representatives in handling.

Objection & Appeal

If one disagrees with an assessment, he may lodge an objection and appeal against the tax assessment within specified time limit. In many cases, further information or facts are required to support the case. It is the law that the burden of proof is on the taxpayer. We assist clients in dealing and to overcome the technical aspects, and organize the case in proper and formal way to substantiate the facts of the case.

Investigation & Field Audit

Tax omissions and faults may lead to heavy penalties or even prosecution. In dealing tax audit and investigation, it is essential to collect supporting evidence and documentation for clearing doubts and queries. As the tax representative, we may negotiate directly with tax officials to ensure that the investigation and audit process is being conducted in an appropriate and effective way, and suppose possible settlements and potential adjustments with regard to your rights and interests.


Because of the territorial principles in Hong Kong tax, there are circumstances applied where a Hong Kong company can have its total or part of profits free from Hong Kong tax.

Offshore claim

To lodge an offshore claim for total or partial tax free, the application must be supported by proper and sufficient documentation for the tax authority to consider.

Advance ruling

Where there are some business arrangements which involve uncertainty in the tax position, taxpayer may apply to the tax authority for ruling in advance on how any provision of the tax statute be applied to the specified arrangements. Full details and documentation with prescribed fees must be submitted for such ruling.

Other Compliance and Advisory

We help clients set up trust schemes and charitable organizations; advise and plan for the possible tax consequences of client’s current and future actions; and etc.

In-depth technical knowledge with practical advice on avoiding numerous pitfalls is important to any sustainable business operation and expansion.


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